Saturday, September 27, 2014

How I wore it: guest star

Hi all! Thursday turned out to be a kind of tough evening in the Boots household, as Baby Boots was just not having it. I lost my patience a couple of times with her, although I was able to put her to bed before 8 PM (she was EXHAUSTED), so I spent most of yesterday (Friday) in a funk, feeling guilty about being a bad mommy and hoping for a do-over.

So yesterday I took my time with Baby Boots and we all ended up having a great evening. It helped that she FINALLY napped at preschool (for the first time since she started transitioning over from Toddlers to Preschool), that the weather was lovely, and that some of her friends were playing outside when we got home.

Something else that helped? I invited her to be part of the photo shoot:

Should've maybe combed her hair before taking the photo…

What a ham. Both the mother and the daughter. Also, who knew that my hair could be neater than someone else's at 6:30 PM? Enter Baby Boots. Her curls are untamable - she's actually got her hair in a bun, but - as the day goes - all those little curls spring out from however she's wearing her hair and just take over. 

Anyway, back to my outfit. It's pretty much identical to this, only with different shoes and my walrus sweatshirt. The weather was going to be lovely, as I mentioned, so I decided to get another wear out of my short black dress and my short black leggings. I wore the sweatshirt out of propriety and was glad to have it on my bike ride home, despite the shining sun and 70 degrees. When I look at/think about this outfit, I sometimes wonder if it comes off as too young. I'm 33, after all, a professional woman with a doctorate and a child and a mortgage. 

But honestly? Screw it. It was perfect for biking, going to preschool and back on foot, and playing in the grass with children. And that's the other big part of me. Over the summer, I had a lot of revelations about identity and selfhood (with regard to my own self) and this outfit is just inching closer to the vision of me that I most like. 

Rock and roll…

Walrus sweatshirt:, remixed
Black dress: Old Navy (online), remixed
Black leggings: Adidas, by way of TJ Maxx, remixed
Shoes: Target, remixed


  1. She's getting so old! I don't even remember her not being a newborn. Glad you guys had a nice re-do day :D

  2. Hey, Cassy! Yeah, she's turning into a big girl. Three months until she turns three!!
