Monday, January 24, 2011

As promised...

Greetings, all! I am happily ensconced in West Philadelphia ("born and raised...") after spending a not-so productive day at the library and seeing old friends. My bookstore owner buddy was thrilled to see me and we had a lovely reunion. He even had a Sanskrit dictionary for me. Yay!

Anyway, I thought I'd share some old pictures of me with short hair so you'd see what I used to look like way back in my second/third year of grad. school. I'm putting my favorites on there and you might see a bit of a mix in length. Let's see:

The picture above was taken soon after I got it cut for the first time, so it's probably at the longest acceptable length which I would want NOW. As you can see, I looked pretty thrilled to have it off. And happy with my drink.

Here I am also drinking (at the same friends' house, no less) before going out dancing. There my hair is probably at its optimal at the time. I like the way it looks, but it still looks a little too shaggy for my current taste.

And here you see me smiling like a loon. At the same friends' house (...yeah, I hung out with them a lot). That's probably the shortest my hair ever went. And, naturally, the pictures I have from that evening are among my favorites. 

It's good to see these pictures because I can see exactly what I had at some points and no longer want. On the other hand, a lot of these pictures from my past showcase awkward growing-out hair, so I need to think long and hard about my hairstylist commitment if I do decide to go short again. 

So there you have it, folks. Official proof of my short-haired existence. Whaddaya think? I want honest opinions as to whether I should make the chop or not! 



  1. Chalkdust--I love you with short hair! You have a very expressive face. Before you cut, what is the thinking behind the bangs and glasses?

    I'm endlessly impressed that you continue to blog while traveling.

  2. I'm pretty shocked that I blogged from Philly. Maybe I'll make a habit of it!

    Thanks for the sweet words, Terri. I'm not sure yet what the bangs situation will be. I think short hair with my current glasses would be a bit too much, but since I might have to change them, there's a chance I'll give it a whirl. (Of course, if I don't have to change them, it's a moot point. As for the bangs, I don't even know if the current blunt bangs can somehow "transform" into something shorter. That would have to be a question for the stylist - I love putting myself in their hands!

  3. I do think you face really pops with the short hair, but I also really like your hair as is. Is there maybe an in-between point? An inverted bob maybe, that you could start with? Just to ease in to the shorter do?

  4. "pops' maybe sounds weird in reference to a face in retrospect. But I meant it in a good way. lol.

  5. Heh, thanks for the clarification! I'm also secretly considering something more bob-like, but my concern is that I won't be able put my hair up when I exercise. I don't know why, but I really want to be able to either put my hair UP or have it all off... we'll see!

  6. Your hairs looks great short, and it looks great long. I think you may be one of those magical people who can wear their hair any length...

  7. Oh my goodness. You look amazing with short hair. I would say get the short hair, but to be honest I might be saying that because I could never pull that off with the shape of my face.
    Literally, fantastic. I say go short.

  8. If I had your amazing facial bone structure, I'd wear my hair short and show it off all the time.
    When I had shorter hair, I just wore a head band or barrettes to work out. But I didn't look nearly as chic as you.

  9. Hmmm, now I'm torn. You look amazing with short hair, but I also adore your bangs. Maybe a combo - short, but still with some substantial bang-age?

  10. Looks fantastic, even the ones where you think you look a bit shaggy. Makes me want a pixie cut even more. DO EET!

  11. Wow, look at all the short-hair love! Ladies, thanks. Your comments made me blush and smile like a goon, although I'm in a South Asia research room at my former university's library (okay, smiling even MORE). Y'all are awesome. Katie, I'm with you - I like my bangs a lot and after years of wanting them, I kind of want them to stay. Maybe substantial bang-age wouldn't be so bad? Okay, guys. We'll get through this and figure it out. In a week I find out if I'll need new glasses. And then? We'll see. Bwahahaha!

  12. Eeps! You look AWESOME with the pixie crop.

  13. Aww, thanks! This is big, coming from you! :)

  14. I think we all wish that we could make short hair look amazing. You are one of those people we all dream about looking like with short hair! It looks amazing! So pretty. I definitely couldn't pull this off :)

  15. Aww, thank you so much! That's so sweet of you to say!

  16. I don't know many people who can pull off the pixie, but you definitely can - I love how it shows off your cheekbones and face. Your current hair is also awesome, but I get what Erin (from WWWYG) says about making your face pop. Heck, no matter what we think - if you love short hair, why not do it again. :)
    (Though maybe wait for spring when it's not so frick-frackin' cold! Ha)

  17. Hey! I know that place!

    I miss you! It's awful that we're not in the same city. :( Come visit come visit come visit!

    Also, I loved your hair short. It looks good long, too, but you totally rocked the short hair - and not everyone can do that!

  18. Thanks, buddy! I miss you guys too and I desperately want to visit.
